狼吞虎嚥 的英文怎么说
- I just wolfed down a box of chocolate. If I am not careful, I will die of diabetes soon.
- A: Let's go to lunch.
B: Sure. Let's go to the Chinese buffet down the street and pig out.
A: Sounds great. - When I came home I saw my son stuffing his face with chocolate cake.
- He was wolfing down a sandwich because he had a meeting in five minutes.
- A: My kid is overweight.
B: I am not surprised. The other day I saw him scarf down junk food. If he keeps doing that he will have serious health issues. - Hey slow down. You are devouring your food!
- The kids bolted their dinner so that they could watch TV.
- They had exquisite chocolate mousse at the banquet, and I totally gorged myself on it.
- He polished off a pack of beers and stumbled over to the bathroom to urinate.
[1] to pig out[2] to stuff one's face[3] to wolf down something[4] to scarf down something[5] devour[6] bolt[7] to gorge oneself on something[8] to polish something off
pig out = 大快朵頤,大吃一頓
stuff my face = 我吃了很多東西,可能弄得滿臉都是
其他的字都有狼吞虎嚥的意思,請參考例句,其中以 wolf down 最常用。
gorge = 拼命吃了很多,也就是大快朵頤或大吃特吃
polish something off = 很快又很簡單的完成食物、飲料、或工作,例如:
polish off a pack of beers = 一下子把六罐啤酒全喝光了
stuff my face = 我吃了很多東西,可能弄得滿臉都是
其他的字都有狼吞虎嚥的意思,請參考例句,其中以 wolf down 最常用。
gorge = 拼命吃了很多,也就是大快朵頤或大吃特吃
polish something off = 很快又很簡單的完成食物、飲料、或工作,例如:
polish off a pack of beers = 一下子把六罐啤酒全喝光了
- 慢點, 別再狼吞虎嚥.
- 孩子們狼吞虎嚥吃完晚飯後看電視.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
把衣服塞進去的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 貨輪 f我要發問填空題
你剛剛說了甚麼? 不好意思,我放空了一下。 (請填空)
What did you just say? I am sorry. I just ost my train of thought.
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