給一個讚 的英文怎麼說
- When I am bored, I look at food pictures posted on Facebook and click "like" on each of them.
- What happened? Why did you stop clicking "like" on my posts and photos?
- If you like ChToEn.com for helping you learn English, please go to https://www.facebook.com/Ch2En and give us a thumbs up!
- If you enjoy your meal at Sun Spring Ambrosia Restaurant, give us a like on Facebook when you get a chance.
- Many people want their posts to attract as many likes as possible, but this spirit may turn things into an unhealthy competition.
[1] click like on something[2] thumbs up[3] like
很多人以為「讚」的英文是 like,事實上,當用在一個句子裡,我們也會用 thumbs up。
在臉書上給的照片按讚 = click "like" on your photos
在臉書上給我一個讚 = give me a thumbs up on Facebook
給我一個讚 = give me a like on Facebook = like me on Facebook
給你一個讚 = give you a thumbs up
給他一個讚 = give him a thumbs up
注意:別說 a thumb up
在臉書上給的照片按讚 = click "like" on your photos
在臉書上給我一個讚 = give me a thumbs up on Facebook
給我一個讚 = give me a like on Facebook = like me on Facebook
給你一個讚 = give you a thumbs up
給他一個讚 = give him a thumbs up
注意:別說 a thumb up
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
留職停薪的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 深得我心 f我要發問填空題
我試著跟我爸解釋軟體怎麼運作,但他腦經遲鈍,就是不懂。 (請填空)
I tried to explain how the software works to my dad, but he is slow on the utake.
下一題 - 輸不起