羊騷味 的英文怎么说
- A: How do you like the lamb?
B: I am not a fan of it. It tastes and smells like a goat. - This recipe uses the classic combination of lamb with scallions as the scallions can combat the gamey taste of lamb.
- A: Do you like lamb chops?
B: No I don't because lamb is smelly. I don't like the unpleasant smell of lamb. - Unlike many others, I like the gamey taste of mutton.
- I think lamb has an unpleasant smell. I prefer steaks to lamb chops.
[1] smell/taste like a goat[2] the gamey taste of lamb[3] the gamey smell of lamb[4] the unpleasant/offensive smell of lamb[5] the strong smell of lamb
gamey 指獵物或跟獵物類似的強烈的腥味、騷味、味道,可用在聞的味道跟吃的味道,或是肉有一點點壞掉的氣味跟味道,常用在羊肉、豬肉、鹿肉,較不常用在其他動物的肉。
It is gamey 或 It tastes gamey 都可以。
但羊奶的羊腥味卻不能用 gamey,得用其他字,例如:
The goat milk smells and tastes funny.
The goat milk has a bad smell.
如果你硬要表達「羊腥味」或「羊騷味」,可說 smell like a goat 或 taste like a goat's smell,表明味道跟羊很像,如:
The lamb smells like a goat.
The goat milk tastes like a goat's smell.
你也可以簡單的用 unpleasant 或 offensive 來形容難聞的味道,簡單易懂,如:
X has an unpleasant smell.
the strong smell of lamb = 羊肉的強烈的味道,老美一聽就知道你是在說羊騷味或羊腥味
It is gamey 或 It tastes gamey 都可以。
但羊奶的羊腥味卻不能用 gamey,得用其他字,例如:
The goat milk smells and tastes funny.
The goat milk has a bad smell.
如果你硬要表達「羊腥味」或「羊騷味」,可說 smell like a goat 或 taste like a goat's smell,表明味道跟羊很像,如:
The lamb smells like a goat.
The goat milk tastes like a goat's smell.
你也可以簡單的用 unpleasant 或 offensive 來形容難聞的味道,簡單易懂,如:
X has an unpleasant smell.
the strong smell of lamb = 羊肉的強烈的味道,老美一聽就知道你是在說羊騷味或羊腥味
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