違約 的英文怎么说
Vendor: Hi, I'd like to let you know we've decided to stop supplying you with the materials effective immediately.
Customer: You cannot do that. Our contract says you need to give me at least one month's notice.
Vendor: I did send you an email about it one month ago.
Customer: Our contract says you need to notify me by phone. So that's still a breach. You need to reimburse me for all of the loss due to your lack of supply.
Customer: You cannot do that. Our contract says you need to give me at least one month's notice.
Vendor: I did send you an email about it one month ago.
Customer: Our contract says you need to notify me by phone. So that's still a breach. You need to reimburse me for all of the loss due to your lack of supply.
[1] breach a contract[2] break a contract
break a contract 跟 breach a contract 是很貼切普遍的翻譯
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多變的天氣的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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