鉅細靡遺 的英文怎么说
- This book has great detail on the subject of science.
- Andy: Ben, can you explain what "roasting each other" means?
Ben: A roast is an event where people get together and tell funny or embarrassing stories about each other. And the spirit is that it's a bit offensive and embarrassing for the person, but the stories are funny and entertaining. And it's done in the spirit of friendship. So people roasting each other tell offensive stories abut each other in a friendly way.
Andy: Thank you for such an elaborate reply, Ben.
Ben: You are welcome.
[1] elaborate[2] has great detail
an elaborate reply = 很鉅細靡遺的回答
This book has great detail on the subject of science. = 這本書針對科學的內容鉅細靡遺
This book has great detail on the subject of science. = 這本書針對科學的內容鉅細靡遺
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
需要人盯的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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