鋪梗 的英文怎麼說
- The first email was the setup. The second email delivered the punchline of my joke.
- Episode one through five were building up the drama, the tension, and the unexpected ending that will blow everyone away.
- The beginning of the movie lays the foundation for the murder that takes place later in the film.
- The beginning of the movie lays the groundwork for the murder that takes place later in the film.
- Man: After you marry me you'll be the second most blessed person in the world.
Woman: Why not the first?
Man: I am the most blessed person in the world because you are my wife.
Woman: Nicely said! - A: What did you tell your boss to give you a day off today?
B: I did it in stages. First I told him I was not feeling well. An hour later I told him I was coughing blood. An hour later I told him I was on my way to hospital. Then he gave me a day off today. - A: Do you see those two chit chatting vigorously?
B: Yes, is that a precursor of a kiss? - The passionate hugging leads to a beautiful kiss.
[1] the setup[2] to build up[3] lay the foundation for something[4] lay the groundwork for something[5] Nicely said.
I agree.[6] do something in stages[7] precursor of something[8] lead to something
I agree.[6] do something in stages[7] precursor of something[8] lead to something
the setup 可說是鋪梗的最貼切的翻譯,如例句所說,第一封 email 是為了鋪梗,第二封 email 才顯露出笑話的笑點。
to build up 也是鋪梗的貼切的翻譯之一,例句的意思是,第一集到第五集都是為了後續令人驚奇的劇情的而做鋪梗。
lay the foundation for something 是舖梗的好翻譯,指為了某事而預先安排,"do something in stages" 表示用循環漸進的方式鋪埂
precursor of something 跟 lead to something 也都是鋪梗的好用的英文。
to build up 也是鋪梗的貼切的翻譯之一,例句的意思是,第一集到第五集都是為了後續令人驚奇的劇情的而做鋪梗。
lay the foundation for something 是舖梗的好翻譯,指為了某事而預先安排,"do something in stages" 表示用循環漸進的方式鋪埂
precursor of something 跟 lead to something 也都是鋪梗的好用的英文。
男: 嫁給我之後妳就是世上第二幸福的人. 女: 為什麼不是第一? 男: 我才是世上最幸福的人因為你成了我老婆. 女: 真會鋪梗!
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
改天的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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Everything will fall nto place once you are committed to your family.
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