電話訊號不好 的英文怎么说
- A: Please make the call now.
B: Okay. God. The connection is terrible. - (on the telephone) A: You are breaking up. I can hardly hear you.
B: Yes, the signal is bad. Let me call you again. - (on the telephone) A: The line is breaking up. I can hardly hear you.
B: Yes, the signal is bad.
A: I know. The reception is very bad. Let me text you instead. - How do you increase mobile signal strength at home? My cellphone's signal is pretty bad at home.
[1] The connection is terrible.[2] the signal is bad[3] the reception is bad
電話收訊不好 = the signal is bad = the reception is bad
The connection is terrible/bad/horrible. = 收訊差 = 手機收訊差 = 手機收訊不好
The connection is terrible/bad/horrible. = 收訊差 = 手機收訊差 = 手機收訊不好
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
恍然大悟的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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In Taiwan, a male adult may request the alternative military service if he cannot do the mandatory military srvice for a valid reason.
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