頭期款 的英文怎麼說
- You usually need to put down 10% of the price of the house when you apply for a mortgage at a bank.
- I just made a down payment on a new smart car.
- A: I'd like to buy this car. What's the down payment going to be?
B: The down payment is 10% of the sales price. Please make the down payment in the amount of $1000 now. - To commission an artist to paint your portrait, you must pay a 40% upfront fee, and you pay the remainder when the portrait is done.
[1] down payment[2] to put down some amount of money[3] upfront fee
upfront charge
advance fee[4] to pay upfront
to pay in advance
upfront charge
advance fee[4] to pay upfront
to pay in advance
down payment = 買東西時所付的頭期款或首付款,常用在買房子或其他昂貴的物品,如汽車
make a down payment = put a down payment = 付頭期款
upfront fee = upfront charge = advance fee = 預付款,例如你請人幫你畫個畫像,他要求你必須先付10%的預付款,剩下的90%等完工後再支付
make a down payment = put a down payment = 付頭期款
upfront fee = upfront charge = advance fee = 預付款,例如你請人幫你畫個畫像,他要求你必須先付10%的預付款,剩下的90%等完工後再支付
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
數字不會說謊的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 犯罪 f我要發問填空題
這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to risng sea levels.
下一題 - 出色