符合 的英文怎麼說
符合的英文例句 Vendor : Does our product meet your requirements?Customer : Yes it does. How much is it?Car s... Vendor : Does our product meet your requirements?Customer : Yes it does. How much is it?Car salesperson : Does this car fit your needs?Customer : No it doesn't. I am leaving.Does the new engineer meet your expectations? Do the eyewitnesses' accounts of what happened at the murder scene match each other? A : Do you like the foods in Taiwan?B : Yes I love them. Taiwan has the best foods in the world.When you get into your forties, do you dress according to your age? Or do you always wear hip clothes? 讀更多 符合的相關詞 符合的英文翻譯 [1] meet
[2] fit
[3] match
[4] according to..
符合的英文翻譯解釋 meet 可以用在很多「符合」的情況,如以下: 符合你的要求 = meet yo...
meet 可以用在很多「符合」的情況,如以下: 符合你的要求 = meet your requirements 符合你的需求 = fit your needs 符合你的預期 = meet your expectations 符合事實 = match the facts 食物符合你的口味嗎 = Do you like the food? 衣著符合你的年齡嗎 = Do you dress according to your age? 有時候白話翻譯即可。
WUWOW 線上真人英文
孤陋寡聞 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 拖了很久
f 我要發問
我愛海鮮焗麵。 (請填空)
I love seafood noodles with bake cheese topping.
下一題 - 財政部長
f 我要發問