鬼扯 的英文怎麼說
- A tautology is a true but uninformative statement.
- The investment class started out with an one-hour meaningless talk about life. Then it dived right into the topic.
- The reporter was focused on talking about football and did not waste the football player's time with unimportant topics like weather.
- A: Should I kiss you when we say goodbye?
B: Of course. - A: If I had been more careful, this car accident wouldn't have happened.
B: Cut the crap and make yourself useful. - A: What were you guys talking about?
B: Nothing important. We were just making chitchat. - The talk he gave was full of nonsense. He should've supported his points with evidence.
- This paragraph in your essay is redundant.
- My guest is tired, so please try to avoid wasting her time with female jibber jabber.
- A: You are working?
B: Of course I am. What the hell are you talking about?
[1] uninformative
useless[2] meaningless talk[3] unimportant topics; unimportant things[4] Of course.[5] make chitchat[6] crap; nonsense[7] redundant[8] jibber jabber[9] Of course.
useless[2] meaningless talk[3] unimportant topics; unimportant things[4] Of course.[5] make chitchat[6] crap; nonsense[7] redundant[8] jibber jabber[9] Of course.
指理所當然的話或是於事無補的話. unimportant topics 指不重要的話題,也就是寒暄之類的廢話。
uninformative = 形容沒有什麼意義的話,是廢話的很好的翻譯
meaningless talk = 廢話,talk 可以被其他字取代,例如 meaningless words
redundant 是多餘的意思, nonsense 指莫名其妙的話或令人聽不懂的話, make chitchat 表示說些無關痛癢的沒有重要性的話.
jibber jabber 是廢話最好的翻譯之一,意思就是不重要的話,像 "今天天氣如何?" "你今天過得好嗎?" 等等的話。
另外,當有人問你問題你想回答「廢話!」時,可以用 Of course 開頭,加上 What the hell/f-u-c-k are you talking about? 之類的句子,f-u-c-k 比較粗俗。
uninformative = 形容沒有什麼意義的話,是廢話的很好的翻譯
meaningless talk = 廢話,talk 可以被其他字取代,例如 meaningless words
redundant 是多餘的意思, nonsense 指莫名其妙的話或令人聽不懂的話, make chitchat 表示說些無關痛癢的沒有重要性的話.
jibber jabber 是廢話最好的翻譯之一,意思就是不重要的話,像 "今天天氣如何?" "你今天過得好嗎?" 等等的話。
另外,當有人問你問題你想回答「廢話!」時,可以用 Of course 開頭,加上 What the hell/f-u-c-k are you talking about? 之類的句子,f-u-c-k 比較粗俗。
- 甲: 我們道別時我應該吻你嗎?
乙: 廢話. - 甲: 如果我小心一點, 這個車禍就不會發生了.
乙: 別再說廢話了, 讓自己有用一點吧. - 你的文章的這段落是多餘的.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
食物可以放幾天的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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