你常對別人說「真厲害」嗎?當別人做了一件厲害的事情,你會想這麼說,中英物語教你「真厲害」的簡單又道地的英文!A: I can do one hundred push-ups in a row.B: That's impr_ssive.知道答案的請回答~不知道答案的請參考 http://www.chtoen.com/厲害的英文怎麼說- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com 給你最道地的英文翻譯
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom
請按 留言
A-Ann Kao 2016-03-20 17:58:10
潘立展 2016-03-20 18:29:00
That's impressive
Mayu Lee 2016-03-20 20:15:34
Ken Yung-Kang Lee 2016-03-20 21:54:07
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-20 22:05:10
The answer is "That's impressive." 大家可以練習一次,就可記住囉!
Michael Wen 2016-03-20 22:07:30
That's impressive.
Ru Ru Kuo 2016-03-20 22:56:27
That's impressive.
Doris Luo 2016-03-20 23:05:42
That's impressive.
Jenny Ho 2016-03-20 23:57:41
That's impressive.
高繼志 2016-03-21 05:50:57
Joyce Chang 2016-03-21 09:12:32
That's impressive.
楊耕偉 2016-03-21 11:04:24
You rock!
Ken Yung-Kang Lee 2016-03-21 12:04:32
Joy Wu 2016-03-21 17:07:40
That's sick
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-21 23:28:54
That works too.
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-21 23:29:53
That works too but it is usually used with things as in "your car is sick".
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-03-21 23:31:29
I think he means that "wow" also works.
Joy Wu 2016-03-22 12:26:08
Thank you!its useful to me!
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以客為尊的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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In contrast to the rugged impression of denim, the carefully selected flannel fabric features a deliate, soft texture. Flannel brings out a city woman's delicate taste in clothes.
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