你多久沒有對配偶表現「小情趣」了?「小情趣」的英文怎麼說?中英物語教你!Buying flowers is an a_t of r_mance between a couple.知道答案的請回答。http://www.ChToEn.com/小情趣的英文怎麼說有中英問題請發問,有問必答- 中英物語 www.ChToEn.com 給你最道地的英文翻譯
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom
請按 留言
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-06-23 20:51:57
art of romance
Ian Shi 2016-06-23 21:47:11
Act of romance ?
Lonny Shoal 2016-06-24 02:54:16
ant ?
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-06-24 21:36:16
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-06-24 21:38:39
Good try. The answer is "an act of romance". The word "act" can be used to describe a 動作. Another example is "an act of kindness".
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-06-24 21:38:58
Good try. The answer is "an act of romance". The word "act" can be used to describe a 動作. Another example is "an act of kindness".
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2016-06-24 21:39:04
The answer is "an act of romance". The word "act" can be used to describe a 動作. Another example is "an act of kindness".
Zen-Ming Kuo 2016-06-24 22:02:55
Thanks for the correction...
Michael Wen 2016-06-25 21:58:26
外國人也常常用 the little things 表示小情趣,例如:I should've seen a divorce coming. We stopped doing the little things like talking and buying things for each other.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
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