【廢話的英文】我們常常說的「廢話」有很多意思,以下是幾個常見的,必須分開講解:1) 你說的是真的嗎? (諷刺的意味,因為大家早就意料到了) = You don't say.A: They won again.B: You don't say. They got like half of the best players in the world on their team. (廢話!全世界的頂尖球員一半在他們的隊伍中)2) 你馬拜託一下/你饒了我吧(諷刺對方太笨之類的) = Give me a break.A: Does the car key go here?B: Of course. Give me a break. (廢話!)還有很多其他的意思,都記錄在 https://www.chtoen.com/廢話的英文怎麼說有我漏掉的歡迎提出。- 中英物語 ChToEn.com 有問必答
..by 中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom

Wang Ching-Huan 2020-11-26 20:22:33
還有發語詞 "Duh~"
Michael Wen 2020-11-26 20:37:39
Wang Ching-Huan Duh~
Michael Wen 2020-11-28 22:49:21
「廢話」其他的英文如下:1) 當然啦,你白癡喔 = Of course. Are you a moron?A: Does this car key go here?B: Of course. Are you a moron? (廢話!你白癡喔)2) 沒用的話 (說了跟沒說一樣) = not helping, being useless or uninformative, being unhelpful/not helpfulA: The car won't start because we ran out of gas.B: You are not helping. We need gas, not useless talk. (廢話!我們需要汽油,不需要廢話)3) 你胡說八道/你亂說 = That's bulls-h-i-t/nonsense.而這時候也能依情況使用 Give me a break. 例如:C'mon give me a break. You know it's not true. (那是廢話!你知道那不是真的)順道一提,trash-talk 並非「廢話」的意思,而是「嗆聲」的意思,例如:If he keeps trash-talking his opponents he'll get his ass kicked.
王麗麗 2020-12-01 22:00:03
請問 I know,right?可以有這個含義嗎
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2020-12-02 21:38:44
王麗麗 比較像是 I knew that already 來表示「廢話」,也就是「我早就知道了」的意思
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拖吊場的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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