I am trying to help my daughter with some Chinese homework and would like someone to translate about four paragraphs written in Chinese (simplified) into English. Might someone here help me? E-mail me at barryreszel@gmail.com if you might be able to do this. For a native speaker, I'm guessing it will take five minutes or less.
..by Barry Reszel
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中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2013-07-24 12:52:50
Sure Barry. I'd be glad to help.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
迷你雪納瑞的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a chain of prolems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
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