版大你好 我在練習中翻英 可以幫我看一下我的文法錯誤並如何使句子更好嗎?賽車是一種極為危險的運動. 從一方面來說,這種運動本來就危險,因為這種競賽的主要目的在於追求高速度. 從另一方面來說,這些參賽者似乎又特別喜歡這種危險. 更糟的是,意外事故經常發生並造成重大傷亡. 每年都有一些駕駛人在這類意外事故中喪生. 有時候甚至還殃及維修人員及觀眾. 因此, 就我個人而言, 我反對賽車. 對那些尋求刺激或冒險的人而言, 爬山及游泳等活動應大可滿足他們的需求.Car racing is a kind of extremely hazardous sports. On the one hand, this sport is risky from the beginning, for the main purpose of this competition is to pursue high speeds. On the other hand, these racers seem particularly to like this type of dangers. What's worse, accidents often happen and cause serious casualties. Every year there are some divers dying in such accidents, and sometimes even the repairmen and spectators get injured. Thus, in my opinion, I disapprove of car racing. Activities such as climbing and swimming should content their needs of those who seek excitements and adventure.
..by Devin Su

Devin Su 2013-11-17 15:39:13
ps. 不是divers 是drivers
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2013-11-18 19:57:07
Car racing is an extremely dangerous sport. On the one hand this sport is inherently dangerous because the goal of this sport is pursue high speeds. On the other hand drivers seem to really enjoy the dangers involved. Even worse, accidents often occur, causing serious injuries including deaths. Every year drivers die in this sport. At times even repairmen and spectators get injured. Therefore, I am against car racing. Those who seek adventures can be satisfied by doing activities such as hiking and swimming.
Devin Su 2013-11-19 14:10:04
謝謝版大的指導, 我要繼續加強我的用字使句子更俐落!
中英物語 / 中翻英 / Chinese to English Classroom 2013-11-19 20:14:21
Devin Su 別客氣,你的英文很不錯,是目前我在中英物語 FB 頁面上看到最好的一個,有問題儘管問,有問必答!
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
鬼打牆的對話的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 以身試法 f我要發問填空題
他們排擠我。 (請填空)
They exclude me.
下一題 - 牛排幾分熟