According to Jiang Xueqin, “the gap between the have’s and the have-not’s in China has only widened, and for the sake of domestic stability, President Xi Jinping has to attempt to address this gap through multiple channels.” How can education reform facilitate this? The Global Search for Education
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Ray Huang 2015-01-15 02:06:23
Muhammad Azhar 2015-01-16 11:22:03
A. How Is writen in chiner
Michael Wen 2015-01-16 21:45:13
至少他是寫英文... 哈哈
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
爛攤子的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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當她先生去巴黎出差時,她望穿秋水的等待他的歸來。 (請填空)
After her husband went on a busiess trip to Paris, she waited for his return anxiously.
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