ㄙㄨㄥˊ 的英文怎麼說
- A: Look at your dad's outfit. He's so old fashioned.
B: Please don't judge my dad. He's the best dad in the world. - Your outfit is so tacky. No girls will be willing to dance with you at the prom.
- The joke he told was so corny. It wasn't funny at all.
- The pep talk was so cheesy that nobody on the team was motivated by it.
- Look at that tacky outfit of yours. You're so low class.
[1] tacky[2] corny[3] cheesy[4] old fashioned[5] low class
tacky 就是沒有品味的意思,可說是ㄙㄨㄥˊ很貼切的翻譯
corny 就是 cool 的相反,通常用來指試著表現出幽默卻產生反效果的玩笑話,也可指試著表現出新穎卻讓人覺得陳腔濫調的東西.
tacky 常用來指看的到的東西,例如沒有品味或花俏或不適合某場合的服裝.
cheesy 常用來指低品質的話語或做事的方式,也可指實物,例如劣質的卡片.
low class = 指低級、沒品味,並非指猥褻或下賤
corny 就是 cool 的相反,通常用來指試著表現出幽默卻產生反效果的玩笑話,也可指試著表現出新穎卻讓人覺得陳腔濫調的東西.
tacky 常用來指看的到的東西,例如沒有品味或花俏或不適合某場合的服裝.
cheesy 常用來指低品質的話語或做事的方式,也可指實物,例如劣質的卡片.
low class = 指低級、沒品味,並非指猥褻或下賤
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
條件的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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