一手交錢一手交貨 的英文怎麼說
- Seller: No shipping charge if you pick up your order at the MRT station.
Buyer: Okay let's meet tomorrow at 3pm. - No shipping charge for pickup orders from our office at No. 200 Sun Spring Street, Taipei.
- The drug dealer and the smuggler made their transactions in person.
- Buyer: Where are you?
Seller: I am in Palo Alto.
Buyer: Great I live in Palo Alto too. Can we meet somewhere to do the business?
Seller: Sure. - How about we meet up and do the transaction?
[1] face-to-face transactions[2] face-to-face exchanges[3] make the transaction in person[4] conduct the business in person[5] meet in person to do the business[6] meet up and do the transaction
no shipping charge for pickup orders = 你來某地方取貨,就免運費,也就是面交免運費
我們面交如何? = How about we meet up and do the transaction?
No shipping charge if you pick up your order at the MRT station. = 在捷運站面交免運費
面交免運費 = No shipping charge for face-to-face transactions.
我們面交如何? = How about we meet up and do the transaction?
No shipping charge if you pick up your order at the MRT station. = 在捷運站面交免運費
面交免運費 = No shipping charge for face-to-face transactions.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
經濟蕭條的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 好想哭 f我要發問填空題
我媽在廚房水槽洗碗。 (請填空)
My mother washes dishes in the kitchen ink.
下一題 - 有名無實