At some point the Hello Kitty fever struck Taiwan. Hello Kitty related products were selling like h...
At some point the Hello Kitty fever struck Taiwan. Hello Kitty related products were selling like hot cakes. Hello Kitty was all the rage.
Bacon is a national obsession for its delicious taste and versatility in dishes.
The bacon boom hit the U.S. in the twenty-first century for its delicious taste and easy preparation.
Eating fast food is just a passing fad.
Britain's booming housing market could be heading for a sudden crash.
Subprime mortgage defaults greatly impacted the housing market boom and bust cycle.
A: Take off your bowtie. B: Why? It looks good on me. A: You are in school. Bullies will pick on you for wearing it. B: Maybe I'll start a fad. A: No you won't. Now take it off.
A year ago big baggy pants were just starting to catch on. Today everyone wears big baggy pants.
This is a hain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.