上課 的英文怎麼說
- A: What are you doing?
B: I am in math class. - Other students are still in class.
- A: What are you up to?
B: I am going to class later. - A: What's up?
B: I am going to teach a math class later. - I have class after work tomorrow.
[1] in class[2] go to class[3] teach a class
(上課到一半接起電話或傳訊息等)我正在上課 = I am in class.
其他班級還在上課 = Other students are still in class.
我等一下要上課 = I am going to class later.
我等一下要教課 = I am going to teach a class later. = I have a class to teach later today.
我下班後還要上課(進修) = I have class after work.
teach a math class = 教數學課
teach an English class = 教英文課
Q: 請問有 They are having a class. (他們正在上課) 這種說法嗎?
A: 外國人雖然聽的懂 They are having a class.,卻非自然的英文,所以不建議使用,建議使用 They are in class.。
其他班級還在上課 = Other students are still in class.
我等一下要上課 = I am going to class later.
我等一下要教課 = I am going to teach a class later. = I have a class to teach later today.
我下班後還要上課(進修) = I have class after work.
teach a math class = 教數學課
teach an English class = 教英文課
Q: 請問有 They are having a class. (他們正在上課) 這種說法嗎?
A: 外國人雖然聽的懂 They are having a class.,卻非自然的英文,所以不建議使用,建議使用 They are in class.。
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
逃避的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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