兇 的英文怎麼說
- A: Why are you so mean to me?
B: I am not. I am just in a hurry to get things done. Sorry I made you feel that way. - A: I'll pay you back when I have the money okay? Stop harassing me about it.
B: You dare give me the attitude? You are the one who owes me money. - Why are you so mean or harsh to him? He didn't make the mistake on purpose.
- Everyone fears his vicious temper.
- My sister is a bad-tempered person who would snap at anybody whenever she feels like it.
- That wild dog is small but is a vicious dog. You don't want to get near him.
- My dad is strict but loves me very much.
[1] mean; snappy; harsh; bad-tempered; hostile[2] aggressive; vicious; ferocious; wild; hostile[3] give one an attitude[4] snap at somebody
[1]常用在人上面. [2]用在動物上面. Mean 可以廣泛形容人態度不好的樣子。Strict 可用來形容某人威嚴或嚴肅. give one an attitude 用法如例句.
Why are you so mean to me? = 為什麼你對我那麼兇(態度的兇)?
人的兇的態度的最佳英文就是 mean。
aggressive, vicious, ferocious 都是用來形容動物很兇,尤其用來形容狗,例如 a vicious dog。
snap at 指一個人對另一個人說話很兇,態度很差。
Why are you so mean to me? = 為什麼你對我那麼兇(態度的兇)?
人的兇的態度的最佳英文就是 mean。
aggressive, vicious, ferocious 都是用來形容動物很兇,尤其用來形容狗,例如 a vicious dog。
snap at 指一個人對另一個人說話很兇,態度很差。
- 甲: 我有錢就會還你好嗎? 別再打擾我了.
乙: 你敢對我兇? 你欠我錢耶. - 你幹麼對他那麼兇, 他又不是故意犯錯的.
- 他很兇, 大家都害怕他.
- 一個脾氣很壞的人
- 一隻很兇的狗
- 我父親很兇但很疼我.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
烤食物的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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