別逞能 的英文怎麼說
- A: Let me lift this dining table.
B: C'mon, hey, don't be a hero. Let me help you. - Don't overexert yourself when exercising, especially when lifting weights.
- Don't strain yourself trying to move the fridge. It's too heavy.
- After the surgery, take several days of rest at home. Don't be tough and go to work.
- A: I need to go save that girl.
B: Don't be a hero. Let the police save the girl.
[1] Don't be a hero.[2] Don't try to be a hero.[3] Don't overexert yourself.[4] Don't strain yourself.[5] Don't be tough.
Don't be a hero 跟 Don't try to be a hero. 都很常用,例如當有歹徒入侵,別逞強而跟他搏鬥,有別逞英雄的感覺。
Don't be a hero 也能用在這種情況:當瘦弱的A想搬重物,強壯的B可以對A說 Don't be a hero 表示「別逞強」。
Don't overexert yourself. 跟 Don't strain yourself. 常用在運動或舉重時別硬撐、別逞強,例如別舉重舉過重而傷到自己,strain 有因為逞強而傷害到自己的意思。
Don't be a hero 也能用在這種情況:當瘦弱的A想搬重物,強壯的B可以對A說 Don't be a hero 表示「別逞強」。
Don't overexert yourself. 跟 Don't strain yourself. 常用在運動或舉重時別硬撐、別逞強,例如別舉重舉過重而傷到自己,strain 有因為逞強而傷害到自己的意思。
手術後好好休息幾天, 別逞能跑去上班.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
刺痛的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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All the wrk I've been putting into this project has been all for nothing because my boss is shutting it down.
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