壓倒性的勝利 的英文怎麼說
- Coach: We destroyed them. It was a blowout win.
- The match was expected to be close but it turned out to be a blowout.
- I have a feeling the Lakers are just going to blow away any team they face because they have so many top players on their team.
- The final score was 110-69? Wow, the Golden State Warriors really blew the other team away!
- He's so popular that if he participates in the election, he will win in a landslide.
- We won the game by a landslide. The score was 100 to 19.
[1] a blowout (win)[2] an easy victory[3] win in a landslide[4] win by a landslide[5] to defeat an opponent easily
to defeat an opponent by a wide margin[6] to blow away an opponent[7] an overwhelming victory
to defeat an opponent by a wide margin[6] to blow away an opponent[7] an overwhelming victory
blowout (win) = 輕易的勝利/壓倒性的勝利
landslide 一開始是指政治上的選舉裡,某個候選人高票當選,後來引申到所有比賽都可以使用。
壓倒性的勝利 = win in a landslide = win by a landslide
to blow away an opponent = 在比賽中獲得壓倒性的勝利
landslide 一開始是指政治上的選舉裡,某個候選人高票當選,後來引申到所有比賽都可以使用。
壓倒性的勝利 = win in a landslide = win by a landslide
to blow away an opponent = 在比賽中獲得壓倒性的勝利
我們贏得了壓倒性的勝利, 比分是 100 比 19.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
細緻的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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