婉轉 的英文怎麼說
婉轉的英文例句 A : I am not used to dogs.B : You hate dogs?A : Yes, but I wanted to dress it up to avoid soun... A : I am not used to dogs.B : You hate dogs?A : Yes, but I wanted to dress it up to avoid sounding too direct."To pass away" is a euphemism for "to die." "To pass away" is a euphemistic way of saying "to die." "To pass away" is an elegant way of saying "to die." You must sugarcoat to her the news that her friend died. How can you tell me I am fired like that? You should've been more subtle about it. I don't know any delicate way to put this, but you are fired. She invited me to the movies, but I politely turned it down. Your criticism for your employee is reasonable but please tone it down because it is too harsh. 讀更多 婉轉的相關詞 婉轉的同義詞 婉轉的英文翻譯 [1] sugarcoat something
[2] subtle; deli
... [1] sugarcoat something
[2] subtle; delicate; diplomatic; tactful; elegant; euphemistic
[3] in a polite way; politely
[4] tone something down
[5] euphemism
[6] to dress it up
婉轉的英文翻譯解釋 sugarcoat 指用比較婉轉的方式來表達一件事. [2]都是形容婉轉的字。s...
sugarcoat 指用比較婉轉的方式來表達一件事. [2]都是形容婉轉的字。subtle 跟 delicate 都指委婉,diplomatic 指聽起來有外交手腕的感覺。 tone something down = 敘述某事情時委婉一點 euphemism 指同一個事情的比較婉轉的說法,例如「去世」比「死亡」婉轉。 politely 指禮貌地表達某件事情. to dress it up = 委婉或婉轉的敘述某事情,讓口氣較不直接,較模糊,有點拐彎抹角的感覺
婉轉的部分中譯 她的朋友去世的消息你一定要婉轉的告訴她. 你怎麼能直截了當跟我說我被開除了?... 她的朋友去世的消息你一定要婉轉的告訴她. 你怎麼能直截了當跟我說我被開除了? 你應該婉轉一點啊. 我不知道如何說的婉轉, 你被解僱了. 她邀我去看電影, 我委娩拒絕她了. 你的批評有理但請婉轉一些以免大家認為太苛刻. 讀更多
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耳目一新 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
Go for it!
下一題 - 感情差
f 我要發問
這是一個連環問題: 燃燒石油導致二氧化碳增加,二氧化碳增加導致溫室效應,溫室效應導致冰層融化、海平面上升。 (請填空)
This is a hain of problems. Burning oil leads to increase in carbon dioxide, which leads to the greenhouse effect, which leads to melting of glaciers, which leads to rising sea levels.
下一題 - 壞掉了
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