對不起 的英文怎么说
- Wife: I am sorry I slept with another man. I let you down and I am sorry.
Husband: Just don't do it again. - He forgave every person that has ever done him wrong.
- I did something I shouldn't have done to my wife.
- My husband did something that hurt me; so I am divorcing him.
- I escaped from my wedding and felt so apologetic to my fiancee.
- I am sorry I hurt you. I promise I will never do it again.
[1] I am sorry I hurt you.[2] Do X wrong[3] do something that hurts somebody[4] do something bad to somebody[5] do something one shouldn't have done[6] be apologetic to somebody
Do X wrong 指做對不起 X 的事情。
I am sorry I hurt you.
I let you down and I am sorry. = I wronged you and I am sorry. = I make a mistake and I am sorry. = I disappointed you and I am sorry = 我做了對不起你的事,我很抱歉。
Do X wrong 指做對不起 X 的事情。
I am sorry I hurt you.
I let you down and I am sorry. = I wronged you and I am sorry. = I make a mistake and I am sorry. = I disappointed you and I am sorry = 我做了對不起你的事,我很抱歉。
- 他原諒了所有對不起他的人.
- 我做了對不起我妻子的事情.
- 我先生做了對不起我的事情, 所以我要跟他離婚.
- 我因為逃婚感到很對不起我的未婚夫
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
伊比利豬的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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男生跟女生開始交往時需要一段磨合期才能決定是否結婚。 (請填空)
When a man and a woman start dating, they need to go through an adjusment period before they decide to marry each other.
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