冰釋前嫌 的英文怎么说
- A: Why does she hate him so much?
B: Rumor has it that she has a long-standing vendetta against him.
A: That's too bad. I hope that they can move past it. - A: Do you remember you stole my boyfriend in high school?
B: Let's put it behind us. - A: I am sorry for offending you.
B: I forgive you.
A: Now that we've cleared the air, do you mind lending me money? - It is great to have cleared up the misunderstanding with my friend. We are good friends again.
[1] to move past something[2] to get past something[3] to put it behind somebody[4] clear the air[5] to resolve our misunderstanding[6] to clear our misunderstanding
to move/get past something = 盡釋前嫌的最佳翻譯之一
to put it behind somebody 也很常用,例如:
Let's put it behind us = 我們把不愉快的事拋開吧!
clear the air 就是指兩人化解之前的矛盾後又成為朋友的意思
to put it behind somebody 也很常用,例如:
Let's put it behind us = 我們把不愉快的事拋開吧!
clear the air 就是指兩人化解之前的矛盾後又成為朋友的意思
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
扎人的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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