欺負 的英文怎么说
- "The other astronauts are being mean to me," says Howard Wolowitz (one of the main characters in The Big Bang Theory)
- "Kids at school pick on me all the time," says poor Johnny.
- He likes to pick on new classmates.
- He tends to bully people around because he is big.
- If someone treats you badly, I won't forgive him.
- A: I have to work this weekend because my senior colleagues don't want to do that.
B: They are taking advantage of you with their seniority. - She takes of advantage of the fact that she is the boss' niece to boss people around in the office.
[1] pick on; push somebody around; walk all over somebody[2] bully[3] treat somebody badly[4] make fun of[5] tease[6] hurt[7] upset[8] take advantage of somebody[9] mean[10] boss people around
[1]就是一個人喜歡找你麻煩或叫你做這做那的意思, 跟欺負意思最相近. [2]用在比較嚴重的欺負, 如果沒那麼嚴重就可以用其他的字詞. [4]是嘲笑的意思. [5]是挑逗的意思, 可用在開玩笑或嚴肅的情況. Take advantage of somebody 有佔便宜的意思, 在有些情況很好用, 譬如資深護士不用在節日工作資淺的卻要, 就可以用這個詞.
順便一提, The Big Bang Theory 是美國當紅影集, 超爆笑英文又高級!
順便一提, The Big Bang Theory 是美國當紅影集, 超爆笑英文又高級!
- 他喜歡欺負新來的同學.
- 他常仗著自己壯大欺負別人.
- 如果有人欺負你, 我絕不饒他.
- 甲: 我這週末要工作, 因為我的資深的同事都不想.
乙: 他們根本在用年資欺負你.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
詮釋的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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