展現風度 的英文怎麼說
- A: You are a coward.
B: Why are you calling me names? This is a public debate. Show some class, will you?
A: I am sorry. You are right. Everyone has their own opinion. - When the company's GM saw their latest, much anticipated product caught on fire due to a flaw in the design, he was immediately advised to show some class and apologize to their customers.
- When the home team's fans started tossing things at the away team, the referee asked the fans to show some class and stop doing that.
- I hope the home team's fans show some class and give the away team a standing ovation because what they have done is beyond a petty sports rivalry.
- When the competition ended, the losers graciously accepted defeat.
[1] to show some class[2] (the losers) graciously accept defeat/loss/etc.
例如兩個人在辯論,其中一個人開始罵另一個人,另一個人就可以說 Show some class. 來表示「請你展現風度,別開始亂罵人」。
再例如,當一家公司的產品出問題,願意展現風度,承認錯誤,跟客人道歉,也能用 show some class。
再來,兩個隊伍競爭時,互相尊重,展現風度,也能用 show some class。
在這些情況中,幾乎都用 show some class,而不會用 show class。
the losers graciously accepted defeat = 輸家展現風度的接受失敗
再例如,當一家公司的產品出問題,願意展現風度,承認錯誤,跟客人道歉,也能用 show some class。
再來,兩個隊伍競爭時,互相尊重,展現風度,也能用 show some class。
在這些情況中,幾乎都用 show some class,而不會用 show class。
the losers graciously accepted defeat = 輸家展現風度的接受失敗
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
經濟蕭條的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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這個男孩一歲就會說話,長大後會有無窮的潛力。 (請填空)
Being able to speak at the age of one, the boy has unlimied potential when he grows up.
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