弱點 的英文怎麼說
- A: What's your biggest flaw?
B: Prone to jealousy is one of them. - When someone wants to set you up with someone, they always tell you the good qualities first and leave out the flaws so you'll take the bait.
- I know I have many weaknesses, but at least I am trying to correct them.
- This program has many weaknesses that hackers will try to exploit.
- He has a bad personality.
- Coffee may be delicious and beneficial, but it also has its negatives.
[1] flaws[2] weakness; bad quality[3] have a bad personality[4] negative
這裡是指人的缺點或弱點, 如果指東西的缺點或缺陷請參考相關詞.
flaw 可說是「人的缺點」的最佳翻譯,例如:
What's your biggest flaw? = 你的最大的缺點是什麼?
而 weakness 跟 negative 也可表示東西的弱點或缺點,例如:
Coffee also has its negatives. = 喝咖啡也有缺點
說一個人的個性很差可以用 have a bad personality。
flaw 可說是「人的缺點」的最佳翻譯,例如:
What's your biggest flaw? = 你的最大的缺點是什麼?
而 weakness 跟 negative 也可表示東西的弱點或缺點,例如:
Coffee also has its negatives. = 喝咖啡也有缺點
說一個人的個性很差可以用 have a bad personality。
- 我知道我有很多缺點, 不過至少我試著改進它們.
- 這項程式有很多弱點, 駭客可以攻擊它們.
- 他的缺點很多.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
六月份的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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