心虛 的英文怎么说
- I am just an ordinary girl, but he likes me so much and treats me so well. I feel unworthy of the attention and the gifts he gives me.
- After I heard her accusations, I smiled, admitting to them tacitly.
- When I was arguing with her, she sounded as if she knew she was at fault.
- One of the common signs of a guilty conscience is difficulty sleeping.
[1] Feel guilty
have a guilty conscience[2] admit something tacitly or silently[3] as if one knows one is guilty; as if one knows [one is at fault or something is one's fault][4] feel unworthy
feel that I don't deserve it
have a guilty conscience[2] admit something tacitly or silently[3] as if one knows one is guilty; as if one knows [one is at fault or something is one's fault][4] feel unworthy
feel that I don't deserve it
[1]是心虛最好的翻譯. [2]指一個人默認某件事情, 通常是不好的事情. [3]是白話的說法, 指一個人好像知道自己錯.
conscience 的意思就是良心.
問心無愧/不覺得內疚 = have a clear conscience
問心有愧/覺得內疚 = have a guilty conscience
I feel unworthy (of it) = I feel I don't deserve it = 我感到心虛,因為認為不值得(對方對我這麼好, etc.)
[1]是心虛最好的翻譯. [2]指一個人默認某件事情, 通常是不好的事情. [3]是白話的說法, 指一個人好像知道自己錯.
conscience 的意思就是良心.
問心無愧/不覺得內疚 = have a clear conscience
問心有愧/覺得內疚 = have a guilty conscience
I feel unworthy (of it) = I feel I don't deserve it = 我感到心虛,因為認為不值得(對方對我這麼好, etc.)
- 我只是個平凡女孩, 他卻這麼喜歡我. 每當他對我好的時候我都覺得很心虛.
- 我聽了她的指控之後, 心虛的笑了笑.
- 我跟她辯論的時候, 她聽起聽起來有點心虛的感覺.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
諮詢櫃台的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 衣著品味 f我要發問填空題
反抗服貿的學生佔領立法院並舉行靜坐示威。 (請填空)
Student protesters against the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement have occupied Taiwan's legisature and are staging a sit-in.
下一題 - 放心了