快速的跑 的英文怎麼說
- (In a basketball game) Nick barreled his way to the rim and dunked.
- We were barrelling down the freeway at 120 mph.
- He was barrelling down the hall towards her.
- She raced down the street.
- The ambulance raced the victim to the hospital.
- I rushed up and down the stairs to find a water fountain.
- I sometimes see my boss flash past in his sports car on my way to work.
- I love horseback riding. One time I was galloping down the track. It felt amazing.
[1] to barrel (down)[2] to flash[3] to race[4] to rush[5] to gallop
to barrel (down) = 飛馳、快速的跑(有很堅決的意思),可用在人或交通工具上
現在式為 barreling 或 barrelling。
to gallop = 專指馬的狂奔或騎馬的人的狂奔,跑太快以致四隻腳都沒碰到地面了
to flash = 快速移動
而 race 可說是最簡單普遍的字,可用在幾乎任何東西上面。
現在式為 barreling 或 barrelling。
to gallop = 專指馬的狂奔或騎馬的人的狂奔,跑太快以致四隻腳都沒碰到地面了
to flash = 快速移動
而 race 可說是最簡單普遍的字,可用在幾乎任何東西上面。
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
路跑活動的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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