情緒崩潰 的英文怎麼說
- When my wife left me for another man, I felt devastated and had an emotional breakdown.
- She broke down and burst out crying when she heard the bad news.
- A: My son is having a breakdown over his ex-girlfriend.
B: That's too bad. I hope he'll be fine. - Ever since she was divorced, she fell apart and stopped going to work.
- The news that her husband was killed in a car accident completely wrecked her life.
- Her life has been wrecked by the tragedy that her folks both died in a shooting.
[1] to feel devastated[2] to have a breakdown[3] have an emotional breakdown[4] to fall apart[5] to wreck somebody's life[6] (adjective) depressed
very sad
very sad
feel devastated 形容晴天霹靂地情緒崩潰的感覺,have a breakdown 指精神上的崩潰,可指心裡有疾病或暫時的崩潰,例如:
He had an emotional breakdown and ran away from home. = 他精神崩潰,離家出走
fall apart 是暫時的崩潰, 例如:
Don't fall apart! = 別崩潰了! = 別倒下了!
另外,wreck somebody's life 指使某人的生活崩潰或摧毀某人的生活的意思,有類似 destroy 或 ruin 的意思,非常貼切,例如:
His life is wrecked. = 他的日子崩潰了
另外,情緒很憂鬱、沮喪、難過可以用 depressed 或 very sad 等字。
He had an emotional breakdown and ran away from home. = 他精神崩潰,離家出走
fall apart 是暫時的崩潰, 例如:
Don't fall apart! = 別崩潰了! = 別倒下了!
另外,wreck somebody's life 指使某人的生活崩潰或摧毀某人的生活的意思,有類似 destroy 或 ruin 的意思,非常貼切,例如:
His life is wrecked. = 他的日子崩潰了
另外,情緒很憂鬱、沮喪、難過可以用 depressed 或 very sad 等字。
- 當她聽到這個壞消息時整個人崩潰了, 哭了起來.
- 很多年輕人為了感情的事而精神崩潰.
- 自從她離婚之後整個人就倒下了, 無法繼續工作.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
爐灶的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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