我忍耐住了 的英文怎麼說
- A: We were furious when the referee made a bad call that made us lose the game.
B: Wow that sucks. What did you do?
A: Well I sucked it up and shook our opponents' hands.
B: Great. You were a real good sport. - When I saw my colleague's fly open I really wanted to laugh, but I managed to hold it. I didn't want to embarrass him in front of everyone.
- I wanted to tell my boss he's a schmuck, but I bit my tongue when I entered his office.
[1] I sucked it up.[2] I held it.[3] I bite my tongue/lip.
I sucked it up. 常用在受到委屈時所說的話。
hold 可以用在很多「忍住」的情況,例如大笑、大哭、發飄等
I bite my tongue/lip. = 我忍住不說自己想說的話或忍受情感流露
hold 可以用在很多「忍住」的情況,例如大笑、大哭、發飄等
I bite my tongue/lip. = 我忍住不說自己想說的話或忍受情感流露
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
胸貼的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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