我收回剛剛的話 的英文怎么说
- A: I am sorry I said I hated you. It just came out wrong. I'm taking it back. Please forget I said it.
B: No I can't forget. We are done. - A: The party will be held this Friday.
B: I thought the party was going to be held this Saturday.
B: I stand corrected - the date of the party is this Saturday.
[1] I stand corrected.[2] I admit that I was wrong.[3] I take it back.[4] Forget what I said.
Forget I said it.
Forget I said that.
Forget I said anything.
Forget I said it.
Forget I said that.
Forget I said anything.
我收回剛剛的話(我承認我剛剛說錯了) = I stand corrected. = I admit that I was wrong.
我收回剛剛說的話(後悔剛剛說的話) = I take it back.
當我沒說(我不想提到剛剛我說的話題、後悔剛剛說的話、或我說錯話了) = Forget what I said. = Forget I said it. = Forget I said that. = Forget I said anything.
我收回剛剛說的話(後悔剛剛說的話) = I take it back.
當我沒說(我不想提到剛剛我說的話題、後悔剛剛說的話、或我說錯話了) = Forget what I said. = Forget I said it. = Forget I said that. = Forget I said anything.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
一盤散沙的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 身穿名牌服飾 f我要發問填空題
她跟我有段刻骨銘心的愛情。 (請填空)
She and I had an unforgttable relationship.
下一題 - 心血