磨合期 的英文怎麼說
- When Kim and I got married and started living together, there's a learning curve.
- When a man and a woman start dating, they are in an adjustment period before they decide if it's going to be a long-term relationship.
- All animals go through an adjustment period when they go to a new environment.
- When your kid goes off to college, both you and your kid go through an adjustment period.
- When the new health care system is in effect, people need a phase-in period to adopt it.
- Do more expensive shoes have a shorter break-in period?
[1] learning curve[2] adjustment period[3] phase-in period[4] break-in period
learning curve = 磨合期,例如新婚夫妻一開始住在一起,會有一段磨合期
adjustment period 指人與人之間的磨合期,或動物與人之間的磨合期。
phase-in period 指制度或法律或規則的磨合期,例如新制度實施的磨合期。
break-in period 指使用新買的東西需要的磨合期,常用在車子的引擎,Do more expensive shoes have a shorter break-in period? 意思就是貴的鞋是否需要的磨合期較短?
adjustment period 指人與人之間的磨合期,或動物與人之間的磨合期。
phase-in period 指制度或法律或規則的磨合期,例如新制度實施的磨合期。
break-in period 指使用新買的東西需要的磨合期,常用在車子的引擎,Do more expensive shoes have a shorter break-in period? 意思就是貴的鞋是否需要的磨合期較短?
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吵架的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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The janitor neglected his duty on the day the robbers broke int the school.
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