給某人留面子 的英文怎麼說
- I did not ask him embarrassing questions in front of everyone to maintain his dignity.
- I did not ask her embarrassing questions in front of everyone to protect her self-esteem.
- How did he maintain his pride, dignity, and integrity, despite being enslaved?
- A: I want to dump my boyfriend.
B: I'm sure you'll let him down easy. After all he's done a lot for you. Don't take away all his dignity. - A: The interviewer said I am over-qualified for this position. That's why I didn't get the job.
B: He did not want to hurt your feelings. He actually does not think you are qualified for the job.
[1] maintain somebody's pride[2] maintain somebody's dignity[3] protect somebody's dignity[4] maintain somebody's self-esteem[5] protect somebody's self-esteem[6] Do not take away all one's dignity.[7] Let somebody down easy.[8] not want to hurt one's feelings
maintain 或 protect 某人的 pride,dignity,或 self-esteem 都指給某人留點面子,非常貼切。
Let somebody down easy. 較口語化,但也是很貼切的說法
Let somebody down easy. 較口語化,但也是很貼切的說法
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
破傷風的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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女孩子化了妝,穿上高跟鞋,顯得很有殺氣。 (請填空)
After putting on makeup and high heel shoes, the girl becomes confident and assetive.
下一題 - 印象