統一發票抽獎 的英文怎么说
- Starting next week, an e-Government Uniform Invoice (eGUI) will be issued and sent to the Ministry of Finance whenever you make a purchase from our APP store. After the purchase is done, you will receive an invoice issuance notification email from us with an eGUI number that can be used to participate in the GUI lottery.
- A: The Taiwan receipt lottery winning numbers for months 01-02 just came out and I think I got the first prize!
B: Congratulations. In order to receive the prize money for a winning receipt, you must fill out the form on the back of the uniform invoice and present it with your ID card at any participating convenience store such as the 7-11.
[1] the GUI lottery[2] Taiwan receipt lottery[3] uniform invoice lottery
統一發票抽獎 = the GUI lottery = Taiwan receipt lottery
GUI 就是 government uniform invoice 的縮寫。
參加統一發票抽獎 = to participate in the GUI lottery
統一發票中獎號碼 = Taiwan receipt lottery winning numbers
九月到十月統一發票中獎號碼 = September-October winning uniform invoice numbers
統一發票 = uniform invoice = government uniform invoice = Taiwan government uniform invoice
但你必須注意,invoice 是賣家寄給買家的 "付款通知單" 或 "費用通知單",讓買家付錢給賣家的,invoice 並非你在商店付款後拿到的發票,receipt 才是,也就是說,統一發票更貼切的翻譯為 uniform receipt,但由於太多地方翻成 uniform invoice,只好將錯就錯。
順道一提,prize/raffle 跟 lottery 的差別是,前者一定有贏家(例如抽獎或摸彩),後者則不一定(例如大樂透)。
GUI 就是 government uniform invoice 的縮寫。
參加統一發票抽獎 = to participate in the GUI lottery
統一發票中獎號碼 = Taiwan receipt lottery winning numbers
九月到十月統一發票中獎號碼 = September-October winning uniform invoice numbers
統一發票 = uniform invoice = government uniform invoice = Taiwan government uniform invoice
但你必須注意,invoice 是賣家寄給買家的 "付款通知單" 或 "費用通知單",讓買家付錢給賣家的,invoice 並非你在商店付款後拿到的發票,receipt 才是,也就是說,統一發票更貼切的翻譯為 uniform receipt,但由於太多地方翻成 uniform invoice,只好將錯就錯。
順道一提,prize/raffle 跟 lottery 的差別是,前者一定有贏家(例如抽獎或摸彩),後者則不一定(例如大樂透)。
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