說氣話 的英文怎么说
- A: Come to dinner.
B: But papa was angry and says I can't have dinner tonight.
A: People say a lot of things in anger. Come on now. - A: The boss just said, "If nobody admits to stealing from my office by 5 p.m., I will fire everyone."
B: It's just a tantrum. He won't do it. - A: In the fight didn't you say you would never speak to me again?
B: Those were just angry words; I didn't mean any of them. or That was my pride talking. - When we argue we say things we don't mean, but we still love each other.
[1] say things in anger[2] It's just a tantrum.[3] I don't mean it.[4] angry words[5] That was my pride talking.[6] things we don't mean
say things in anger = 說氣話,可說是最貼切的說法
It's just a tantrum = 那只是氣話而已
我說那話是無心的 = I don't mean it
That was my pride talking 指那是我的自尊心說的話,就表示不是理智的話,pride 可以被其他字代替。
I don't mean it 跟 things we don't mean 是白話的說法,很普遍。
It's just a tantrum = 那只是氣話而已
我說那話是無心的 = I don't mean it
That was my pride talking 指那是我的自尊心說的話,就表示不是理智的話,pride 可以被其他字代替。
I don't mean it 跟 things we don't mean 是白話的說法,很普遍。
- 甲: 剛剛吵架時你不是說不要再跟我說話了嗎?
乙: 那只是氣話而已. - 當我們吵架時我們會說氣話, 可是我們還是很愛彼此.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
兄弟姊妹的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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