輕描淡寫 的英文怎么说
- A: A meteor is traveling towards Earth right now, but the news says it won't hit us.
B: I know. I don't know why the White House downplayed the significance of the meteor.
A: Perhaps to prevent people from panicking? - Companies making artificial sweeteners gloss over in their ads the fact that they have no nutritional value.
- The management keep ignoring the elephant in the room and eventually the company starts losing money.
- The abortion issue in this country is the elephant in the room, but no one in Washington wants to discuss it.
- Dad: I know I downplayed the importance of education before, but that's because I didn't want to put too much pressure on you. If you don't study hard you won't get anywhere with your life.
- Son: Thank you, dad. From now on I will study the hardest I can and I won't let you down.
- The company glossed over its recent financial instability at a press conference.
- A: David got cancer.
B: Really? He just mentioned casually that he's sick. I didn't know it's cancer. - My ex-girlfriend kept calling me names, but I just laughed it off.
- The casualty lists understate the extent of the disaster.
- Don't brush the issue away and say we've never had a problem with this vendor. Don't give me fluffy answers.
- Some governments tend to gloss over important global issues because they are too complicated.
- If you gloss over a mistake, an issue or an embarrassing situation, you make it seem less important by ignoring it or by handling it very quickly.
[1] to downplay[2] ignore the elephant in the room[3] downplay[4] gloss over[5] mention something casually or briefly[6] laugh something off[7] understate[8] brush something away
to downplay = 輕描淡寫某事,例如明明很嚴重的事情,某機關卻說很不重要,這樣子的動作就能用 downplay,如:
downplay its importance = 把它的重要性輕描淡寫
elephant in the room = 很嚴重的問題,大家都知道,但沒人想提出來討論,所以 ignore the elephant in the room 就等於對此問題「輕描淡寫」或「避重就輕」,是標準的美國成語。
gloss over 是「輕描淡寫」很好的英文片語,也就是把事情隱瞞起來或忽略不提的意思,例如例句所說的,賣代糖公司會輕描淡寫代糖沒有任何營養的事實。
downplay its importance = 把它的重要性輕描淡寫
elephant in the room = 很嚴重的問題,大家都知道,但沒人想提出來討論,所以 ignore the elephant in the room 就等於對此問題「輕描淡寫」或「避重就輕」,是標準的美國成語。
gloss over 是「輕描淡寫」很好的英文片語,也就是把事情隱瞞起來或忽略不提的意思,例如例句所說的,賣代糖公司會輕描淡寫代糖沒有任何營養的事實。
- 父親: 我知道之前我並沒那麼強調教育的重要, 但那是因為我不想給你太多壓力. 如果你不好好唸書將來不會有出息.
兒子: 爸爸, 謝謝你. 我一定會好好唸書不讓你失望. - 這家公司在記者會上輕描淡寫公司經濟的不穩.
- 甲: David得了癌症.
乙: 真的嗎? 他上次只是淡淡的說他生病, 沒想到是癌症. - 我的前女友一直罵我, 但我只是一笑置之.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
應酬的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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