鑽牛角尖 的英文怎麼說
- A: Why did you talk to her about my SAT scores?
B: Would you quit fixating on it? I didn't do it on purpose. - If you have a stubborn attitude towards everything, you will have trouble finding happiness.
- A: My girlfriend didn't call me. Is she seeing someone else?
B: You are being paranoid. - A: This Hello Kitty doll reminds me of my ex-wife.
B: Why don't you stop dwelling on your past and move on with your life? - A: It is you who were at fault last time...
B: It passed a long time ago. Let's not beat a dead horse. - Don't get too hung up on the grammar. Focus on the vocabulary words.
[1] obsessive[2] stubborn; not flexible[3] dwell on something
fixate on something[4] beat a dead horse[5] paranoid[6] worry too much about something
be hung up on something
fixate on something[4] beat a dead horse[5] paranoid[6] worry too much about something
be hung up on something
paranoid 指多疑,[1]最好用, 表示一個人過度擔心或凡事想太多. 此成語的本意是固執而不知變通, 就可用[2]; 不過現在很多人會用它來形容在一件事情花費過多的心思, 就可用[3]或[4]. [4]是正統的美國成語, 形容已經過去或解決的事情還一直拿出來提, 像在打一匹死掉的馬.
be hung up on = 過度關心某件事,例句的意思就是別過度關心文法,這也有鑽牛角尖的意思(思想固執而過度關心某事)
be hung up on = 過度關心某件事,例句的意思就是別過度關心文法,這也有鑽牛角尖的意思(思想固執而過度關心某事)
- 甲: 我女朋友沒打來, 她是否有別的男人?
乙: 你太愛鑽牛角尖了. - 如果你凡事都鑽牛角尖, 你會很難找到快樂.
- 甲: 這個凱蒂貓讓我想起了她...
乙: 你可不可以停止鑽牛角尖你的過去, 面對自己的未來呢? - 甲: 上次明明就是你不對...
乙: 事情都過去了, 不要再鑽牛角尖了.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
精華的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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