小心眼 的英文怎麼說
小心眼的英文例句 A : Do you want to go to lunch with me?B : I don't want to talk to you.A : Still angry over ye... A : Do you want to go to lunch with me?B : I don't want to talk to you.A : Still angry over yesterday's fight? That's petty of you.Salesperson : I suppose I am a little petty, and I had to say something to hurt him before he walked away because he did not buy anything from me.A : I want to break up with you. You need to return everything I gave you.B : What? You are such a petty person.My dad is quick to anger and slow to forgive. I snapped at my boyfriend for keeping something his ex girlfriend left him. Am I overly sensitive? or Am I overreacting? 讀更多 小心眼的相關詞 小心眼的同義詞 小心眼的英文翻譯 [1] petty
[2] slow to forgive
[3] overl
... [1] petty
[2] slow to forgive
[3] overly sensitive; overreacting
[4] paranoid
小心眼的英文翻譯解釋 petty 很普遍, 有喜歡計較小事情或度量小的意思, 是最常用的字,例如: I...
petty 很普遍, 有喜歡計較小事情或度量小的意思, 是最常用的字,例如: It is petty of you to refuse to congratulate your ex on his upcoming marriage. slow to forgive 指不容易原諒別人. overly sensitive 指過度敏感,overreacting 指反應過度. paranoid 指多疑, 有小心眼的意思, 譬如說一個人處處懷疑自己的伴侶背叛他. 有些情況也可以白話的翻譯, 譬如很容易忌妒就可以說 gets jealous easily. 很多人以為可以用 narrow-minded 形容小心眼, 可是這個詞是指一個人過於保守, 不願意接受新東西, 無法表達一個人小心眼或度量小的意思.注意:沒有 small、small hearted、a small mind 的說法.
小心眼的部分中譯 甲: 要不要一起去吃中飯? 乙: 我不想跟你說話. 甲: 還在因為昨天吵架而生... 甲: 要不要一起去吃中飯? 乙: 我不想跟你說話. 甲: 還在因為昨天吵架而生氣? 度量真小. 甲: 我要跟你分手, 你必須把一切我給你的東西都還我. 乙: 什麼? 你真的是很小心眼. 我爸爸很容易發脾氣, 很不容易原諒別人. 我看到男友留著前女友送的東西就跟他大小聲, 我是不是太小心眼了? 讀更多
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利潤的一部份 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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