不敢 的英文怎么说
- My mom asked me to go with her and I didn't have the heart to refuse.
- He wouldn't dare lie to his parents.
- I didn't dare tell my dad that I had scratched his car.
- I like a girl in my class, but I don't have the courage to call her and ask her out.
- I just don't have the heart to tell him the news that his wife was killed in an accident.
- Many people avoid discussing politics and religions in public.
- A: I am afraid of green peppers.
B: I don't eat green peppers at all. I don't like them.
[1] not have the heart to do something[2] wouldn't dare do something
does not dare do something[3] don't have the courage to do something[4] don't have the heart to do something[5] avoid[6] be afraid of[7] don't
does not dare do something[3] don't have the courage to do something[4] don't have the heart to do something[5] avoid[6] be afraid of[7] don't
not have the heart to do something = 由於不好意思拒絕而不敢做某事
請參考關於 dare 的詳細用法。
很多時候不敢可以翻成避免,就可用 avoid。
wouldn't dare do something 指不敢做某件事情,do 可以被其他的原形動詞取代。
有時候可用 "害怕" 或直接用否定句,如:
我不敢吃青椒 = I am afraid of green peppers. = I don't eat green peppers.
請參考關於 dare 的詳細用法。
很多時候不敢可以翻成避免,就可用 avoid。
wouldn't dare do something 指不敢做某件事情,do 可以被其他的原形動詞取代。
有時候可用 "害怕" 或直接用否定句,如:
我不敢吃青椒 = I am afraid of green peppers. = I don't eat green peppers.
- 我喜歡我班上一個女生, 可是我不敢打電話給她.
- 想到很多人不敢在公眾場合裡討論性.
- 他不敢對父母說謊.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
趴趴走的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 苦難的一生 f我要發問填空題
他騙走前妻的錢,真沒品。 (請填空)
It is ndecent of him to take money away from his divorced wife.
下一題 - 最後一名