全力以赴 的英文怎麼說
- A: Why do people bend over backwards to cater to you?
B: Beats me. Maybe it's because I am likeable and magnetic? - In a job interview, you should always put your best foot forward.
- I'll do everything I can to finish this project on time.
- Our team [went all out or spared no effort] to win the basketball tournament.
- Even though the Cavaliers won the NBA finals 2016, it was a glorious defeat for the Warriors as they put up their best fight.
[1] to bend over backwards to do something[2] do one's best; do everything one can[3] go all out; spare no effort[4] to put one's best foot forward[5] to put up one's best something
這類說法相當多, 只要表達盡力的意思就可以了.
to bend over backwards to do something = 盡力做某事,是標準的英文成語
put one's best foot forward = 盡全力做某事,也有盡力給人留下好印象的意思
put up their best fight = 盡全力打比賽
to bend over backwards to do something = 盡力做某事,是標準的英文成語
put one's best foot forward = 盡全力做某事,也有盡力給人留下好印象的意思
put up their best fight = 盡全力打比賽
- 我會盡力完成這項任務.
- 我們這隊會全力以赴來得到比賽勝利.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
普遍的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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