竭盡所能 的英文怎麼說
- A: I know he needs money but I don't want to lend him any.
B: When you were in trouble, he went out of his way to help you. Now it's your turn to return the favor.
A: Point taken. Okay I'll work something out. - During these difficult times everyone must do their best to keep the company afloat.
- Coach: We are facing the best team in the league tonight. If we want to win, we gotta make an all-out effort.
- He's a go-getter. He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.
[1] go out of one's way to do something[2] do one's best[3] make the best effort
make an all-out effort[4] go to any lengths
go to great lengths[5] to try very hard to do something
make an all-out effort[4] go to any lengths
go to great lengths[5] to try very hard to do something
go out of one's way to do something = 竭盡所能的做某事,此為「竭盡所能」的最佳英文翻譯之一
do one's best = 盡力而為
do one's best = 盡力而為
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
不只是說說而已的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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她一直撥弄著頭髮展現她的魅力。 (請填空)
To show her chars, she kept running her fingers through her hair.
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