引開 的英文怎麼說
- A: The giant spiders are coming our way.
B: I'll try to lead them away so you can run.
A: Thanks, bud. I owe you one. - A: You broke the vase? Mom is coming home soon!
B: When she comes home please try to distract her. I am going out to get a new vase. - She's coming. Go head her off and I'll see if I can find any important clues in her room.
- Try to hold her up in a conversation to give us more time to search in her room.
[1] lead away[2] distract[3] head off[4] hold up
I'll try to lead them away = 我會試著引開他們
distract 指讓某人分心, head off 指引開某人. hold up 指拖延某人的時間.
distract 指讓某人分心, head off 指引開某人. hold up 指拖延某人的時間.
- 甲: 你打破花瓶了? 媽媽快回來了!
乙: 她回來後請你分散她的注意力. 我去買花瓶. - 她正在走過來, 你去引開她, 我去她房裡看看有什麼重要的線索.
- 試著跟她多說點話以讓我們有多點時間搜尋她的房間.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
人定勝天的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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