很盧 的英文怎么说
- I already told my ex that we should just be friends, but he still calls me all the time. He's so annoying.
- A: I already told my ex-girlfriend that we should just be friends, but she still calls me all the time. She's so clingy.
B: Maybe she just needs some time to find closure. - I already told him we are looking for another supplier, but he keeps calling me asking me to buy from him. He's being so insistent and annoying. He even calls me at home. Now he is intrusive to my life.
- I don't want to see him, but he keeps begging to see me.
- A: Are you lying?
B: No. I swear I am not.
A: Are you sure?
B: Yes.
A: You sure you are not lying?
B: Drop it. Why are you being so persistent?
[1] annoying[2] clingy
needy[3] insistent
persistent[4] intrusive[5] keep begging somebody
needy[3] insistent
persistent[4] intrusive[5] keep begging somebody
很煩人: annoying
很黏人: 可用 clingy, needy
不肯妥協: 可用 insistent, persistent
嚴重打擾到某人的生活: 可用 intrusive
你為什麼一直盧? = 你為什麼一直問同樣的問題? = Why are you being so persistent?
我不想跟他見面,但他一直盧我 = I don't want to see him, but he keeps begging to see me
很煩人: annoying
很黏人: 可用 clingy, needy
不肯妥協: 可用 insistent, persistent
嚴重打擾到某人的生活: 可用 intrusive
你為什麼一直盧? = 你為什麼一直問同樣的問題? = Why are you being so persistent?
我不想跟他見面,但他一直盧我 = I don't want to see him, but he keeps begging to see me
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
小便池裡的芳香劑的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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