三顧茅廬 的英文怎么说
- A: You should get Ben to join your startup company. He's super talented.
B: I know. I have invited him to join us many times but he keeps saying no.
A: Bummer. - A: We are trying to recruit Andy to join our team.
B: Andy is highly desirable. I guess you need to contact him many times before you give up.
A: I know. I've contacted him three times now. He still says no.
[1] invite somebody many times[2] contact somebody many times[3] talk to somebody many times[4] ask somebody to do something many times
首先,千萬別逐字翻譯中國的成語,必須先想想此成語代表的意思,再白話翻譯出來。如果你是指邀請一個人加入你的團體,而你邀請了很多次,就可說: I have invited him to join us many times but he keeps saying no.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
暴發戶的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 拾金不昧 f我要發問填空題
它給了一個你馬上心算得到答案的假象。 (請填空)
It gives the illusio that you've computed the entire answer immediately.
下一題 - 該不會