忍受 的英文怎么说
- Can you handle the pain of loving someone you can't have?
- Masseuse: I am going to apply more pressure.
Customer: Stop! I cannot handle it! - I know the training is strenuous, but you should stick it out.
- A: It's so hot today.
B: Just bear it. - There is a limit to one's tolerance.
- I cannot live with his bad temper anymore.
- Can you live with the fact that your beloved woman is marrying a physically abusive man?
- My old TV sometimes shows discoloration, but I can put up with it.
- This paper can withstand very high temperature.
- withstand hardships
[1] handle[2] stick it out[3] bear; endure; tolerate[4] put up with; live with it[5] withstand
[1]最好用, 可用在各種情況也可用在肯定或否定, 常常用這個就夠了. [2]指有耐心的在某件事情中從頭忍耐到尾, 譬如上學, 訓練. [3]指身心受到影響的忍, 譬如忍耐別人對我的侮辱. [4]可以指[3]的意思, 也可以指程度較輕的忍, 譬如忍耐某事造成的不便. [5]指人或物體對外界力量的抵抗.
put up with the pain -- 使用頻率最高
handle the pain
endure the pain
withstand the pain
tolerate the pain
sustain the pain -- 使用頻率最低,但還算常用
put up with the pain -- 使用頻率最高
handle the pain
endure the pain
withstand the pain
tolerate the pain
sustain the pain -- 使用頻率最低,但還算常用
- 按摩師: 我要用力點.
客人: 不要! 我受不了! - 我知道訓練辛苦, 就忍忍吧.
- 甲: 今天真熱.
乙: 忍忍就過去了. - 人的忍耐是有限度的.
- 我無法忍受他的壞脾氣.
- 我的電視有時候顏色很差, 可是我還能忍受.
- 這種紙能夠忍受高溫.
- 忍受困苦
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
功虧一簣的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 副校長 f我要發問填空題
她因為內向怕生,所以不擅交朋友,可是有時候家裡有客人來時,她又會人來瘋,又蹦又跳,很難要她安靜。 (請填空)
She is shy, but when there is a guest at home, she becomes xcited and hyperactive and out of control.
下一題 - 掩護