指使 的英文怎么说
- A: Who put you up to writing that abusive email to everyone in the company?
B: My manager did. He wants to bring this issue to everyone's attention. - The general wants to instigate the people to revolt against the incompetent kingdom.
- The official wants to incite a crowd to riot against the corrupt government.
[1] A put B up to something[2] A tells B to do something[3] instigate somebody to do something[4] incite somebody to do something
A put B up to something = A tells B to do something = A指使B做某事,不同的地方是在前者,A要B做的事情通常不合情理,例如很好笑、惡作劇、甚至惡意的事情。後者則沒有暗示任何意思。
instigate the people to revolt = incite the people to riot = 搧風點火,指使人們反叛
他會這麼做都是因為受了她的指使 = He did it because she put him up to it.
是誰指使你這麼做的? = Who put you up to this?
instigate the people to revolt = incite the people to riot = 搧風點火,指使人們反叛
他會這麼做都是因為受了她的指使 = He did it because she put him up to it.
是誰指使你這麼做的? = Who put you up to this?
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
保養的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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