期待 的英文怎麼說
- Michael: I am looking forward to your arrival. We will have lots of fun.
Thomas: Tell me about it. - Kids are always looking forward to holidays so that they don't need to go to school.
- When the economic crisis occurred, many companies did not expect it to be so serious and were not prepared for it, and they ended up losing lots of money.
[1] look forward to something[2] expect something
look forward to 跟 expect 都很常用,look forward to 常用在正面的期待,如:
I am looking forward to your arrival = 我很期待你的到來
而 expect 比較用在負面的期待,如:
We did not expect the earthquake to kill so many = 我們沒期待此地震讓這麼多人喪生
I expect him later = 我等等會見到他 (不一定是期待見到他)
I am looking forward to your arrival = 我很期待你的到來
而 expect 比較用在負面的期待,如:
We did not expect the earthquake to kill so many = 我們沒期待此地震讓這麼多人喪生
I expect him later = 我等等會見到他 (不一定是期待見到他)
我期待您的拜訪. 小孩子天天都期待聖誕節的到來.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
傑出的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 白天搶劫 f我要發問填空題
很多人都不遵守交通規則,警察都會抓那些不守法的人民。 (請填空)
Many people break traffic las. Police officers cite traffic offenders.
下一題 - 食物清爽